Message from the director
A year of recognition and challenges
I am extremely proud to present the CHUM Research Centre’s (CRCHUM) 2019‑2020 Activity Report. For the fourth time in a row, the Fonds de recherche Québec‑Santé gave the CRCHUM an “exceptional” rating following the evaluation committee’s quadrennial visit to the Centre in February. This recognition illustrates the quality, competitiveness and impact of our research teams.
Reading this report and the great achievements it describes will convince you of our teams’ daring and determination to look beyond the horizon. Innovative treatments in oncology, digital solutions in cardiology, discoveries supported by philanthropic partners in neurology and virtual reality‑assisted rehabilitation are only a few examples of the research conducted by CRCHUM researchers that make a difference in patients’ lives and population health.
2019‑2020 will remain marked by the COVID‑19 pandemic. Our teams reacted commendably to this urgent situation, leveraging their talent and creativity to launch, in record time, many research projects dealing with different aspects of the disease, such as the mechanisms of the immunity acquired against the virus, its impacts on the mental health of patients and health care system workers, and 3D printing of personal protection equipment.
To conclude, I would like to mention the vital contribution of our students and trainees, as well as our research and support staff. Our successes are made possible by the efforts and determination of all the actors in our research community. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to them.
Dr. Vincent Poitout
Director of Research at the CHUM
Scientific Director of the CRCHUM

Message from the CEO
The CRCHUM, a research gem
Year after year, the teams at the CRCHUM demonstrate their daring and push their limits for the advancement of the life sciences. The many positive impacts that were again generated in 2019‑2020 constitute today’s foundation stones upon which tomorrow’s medicine will be built.
Whether it’s through basic research, clinical trials, population health research or the evaluation of medical care and practices, the CRCHUM’s impact extends to the international research scene. With their proximity to the CHUM, the CRCHUM’s teams have the privilege of seeing their long years of hard work come to fruition in the form of tangible benefits for patients.
This activity report provides a window into the year’s great achievements. You’ll find out about promising projects originating with the CRCHUM’s research themes, as well as the outstanding researchers behind them. Involving patient‑partners in many research projects brings a refreshing dose of humanity to our ideas and innovations and opens up new options to discover.
What a source of pride it is for the CHUM and the public to be able to count on a research centre where innovation, performance and humanity converge on a daily basis!
Dr. Fabrice Brunet
CEO of the CHUM