The Fonds de recherche du Québec‑Santé gave the CRCHUM an “exceptional” rating, confirming our position as one of Canada’s major health science research centres. This distinction marked the end of a year of great achievements for our research teams.
MAY 2019
First International Summit on Patient and Public Partnership organized by the CEPPP
The 10th CRCHUM Challenge raises $100,000 for research
13 researchers receive salary awards from the Fonds de recherche du Québec‑Santé. Dr. Daniel Kaufmann is awarded a distinguished research scholar grant.
JUNE 2019
Yves Mugabo, postdoctoral researcher, is awarded a Banting Fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Adriana Di Polo and Gareth E. Lim are awarded two new Canada Research Chairs, Andrés Finzi’s Chair is renewed
JULY 2019
$150M investment for the creation of the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network, of which the CRCHUM is part
Precision oncology research: $1M in funding given by the non‑profit organization Exactis Innovation to a team co-led by Dr. Diane Provencher
Andrés Finzi receives the 2019 Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award given by the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
José Côté receives a Women of Distinction Award bestowed by the Montreal Women’s Y Foundation
Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Science and the Cabinet, becomes a CRCHUM honorary researcher at the CRCHUM’s 10th Scientific Day whose theme is the role of women in research
Nathalie Grandvaux is appointed Director of the Immunopathology Research Theme
Anne‑Marie Mes‑Masson receives the Award for Exceptional Leadership in Cancer Research
Official opening of the EVASYM international laboratory, created in partnership with the Université Lyon 1, Ifsttar, TÉLUQ, the ÉTS and the Université de Montréal
Dr. Pavel Hamet becomes a Member of the Order of Canada
The CRCHUM bestows its 2019 Awards of Excellence. Recipients: Jacques A. de Guise, Nicolas Chomont and Francis Rodier
11 researchers distinguish themselves in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research competition
Adriana Di Polo receives the Dr. Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize
MARCH 2020
The Emerging Scientific Award is given to Marie‑Claude Bourgeois‑Daigneault by the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation
CRCHUM teams at the forefront in the creation of the Quebec COVID Biobank